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Ways To Give
Fr. Gary M. Dailey Endowment Fund
The Fr. Gary M. Dailey Endowment Fund was initiated to remember Fr. Gary and his wonderful ministry at the Newman Catholic Center. One of the essential motivators for inception of the endowment fund was to ensure that Father and his remarkable work in building the new Center was always recognized. The fund will benefit the student activities offered and sponsored by Newman.
Thank you for your consideration. This endowment fund is held at the Western Massachusetts Catholic Foundation, the fundraising arm of the Diocese of Springfield. The fund's principle is never to be touched but Newman will receive the interest accrued yearly. Our goal for this year is $10,000 in order to generate at least $400 for student activities in the 2024-2025 academic year here at the University.
For more information or to chat please call Virginia Webb, Director of Development at 413-519-3792 or email her at
Capital Campaign
Began in 2020, Newman embarked on a capital campaign in order to fill the gap of funding
necessary to build on new Center on Thatcher Rd. The initial funding was made in the purchase
by the University of Massachusetts Amherst for the amount of $12.5 M. The campaign’s goal of
$2M provided the additional money necessary to complete the construction of the new Center
and to provide additional funding to be included in the existing Endowment Fund for support of
the mission and ministry of Newman in years to come.
Although our construction is completed and we are enjoying our new center, we will accept donations that will benefit our Newman Center Endowment Fund through 2024.
Newman Center Endowment Fund
This endowment fund was begun by the FUTURE OF HOPE CAMPAIGN, the capital campaign
conducted by the Diocese of Springfield in 2020. This endowment fund has incurred in
contributions a total of $1.6M to date and produces for Newman’s ministry a return of 4% in
interest annually.
Contributions to the fund may be made through the Center’s Development Office.
Restricted Gifts
The ministry of the Newman Catholic Center has many facets and those elements of our mission
can be remembered through your charitable giving. Our FOCUS missionaries, our Esselen Peer
Ministers, our Newman Catholic Student Association are student organizations of Newman and
donations may be made exclusively to these giving additional dollars for their great works
among the students of the University.
Give us a call to chat about where your charitable donation can fits within your passions.
Fr. Quigley Scholarship Fund
This fund was started by a donor of Newman who worked closely with its then Associate
Director, Fr. Joseph Quigley. “Quig” as he was affectionately known by students and
community members of that era, was a man of devotion and integrity both to the Center and
those it served. Known for his three-point sermons and complete devotion to the students of the
University Fr. Quig was known for taking money from his own pockets. To keep this kind and
compassionate legacy of Fr. Quigley alive, the Fr. Quigley Scholarship Fund gives to our students
that little bit of help that sometimes makes all the difference in their day.
Donations to the Fund may be made either online or by calling the Development Office.
Newman is a recognized 501 (c) 3 and relies greatly on individual donations. Each year
Newman conducts 3 appeal campaigns to provide unrestricted funding for our ministries here at
Newman – the Fall Appeal, our Society Appeal which is our appeal to our major donors and our
Spring/Summer Appeal.
Donations may be made on line or by calling the Development Office.
Memorial Donation
Newman is appreciative of any donations made but those made in the memory of a loved one is
especially heartening. Recognizing a loved one’s life or a significant milestone is a tribute to the
mission of Newman and its impact.
Call the Newman’s Development Office to make arrangements for a memorial or honorarium
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